League Item Enemey Takes More Ap Dmg
Posted By admin On 01.12.20Originally posted by:Flanks should by default be weaker against tanks but stronger against others (excluding other flanks).SJ instead of executing champions completely should just make Pounce cause a 1-2 second stun with a 5 second cooldown on the talent itself.It's quite satisfying to execute entire tanks using the talent, so obviously we shouldn't lose that sense of satisfaction if we change the card. So I feel a stun-mechanic would be equally satisfying in finishing off enemies one at a time. Originally posted by:Flanks should by default be weaker against tanks but stronger against others (excluding other flanks).SJ instead of executing champions completely should just make Pounce cause a 1-2 second stun with a 5 second cooldown on the talent itself.It's quite satisfying to execute entire tanks using the talent, so obviously we shouldn't lose that sense of satisfaction if we change the card. Does maeves execute do dmg. CC reduction, boom Maeve SJ is useless.
First of all: THX for looking inside the topic ! I CAN'T PLAY TANKS! So I don't really know if she seems OP or not. Vex vs grey render dmg. I don't play tanks cuz I have no idea how to play them in the most effective way.
Q: Why tank?
A: Cuz I've read all over the forums and a lot of ppl requested a new tank. So I'm going with the community
Q: Female tank?
A: YES! Exactly ! Since there is NO female tank in the game, I've decided to create one.
Q: Her skin..is different?
A: Hell yeah! I've read in some topics that LOL doesn't have any black ppl o_O..(racist :P?). That's the reason why I made her a different skin
Q: Ranged tank o_O?
A: Yes and no! She's between ranged and melee.
Q: Ehh..no shield, sword, hammer, no nothin'?
A: This is a different kind of a tank ! She looks squishy (and hot) but still she is a tank, why? Cuz she's a puppeteer!
Q2: Puppeteer? Why?
A2: Simply cuz lots of ppl requested something like a puppeteer and I wanted to combine all in one.
All in one, we have here a black, female, puppeteer tank !
None yet..tell me first if you like the character
Health 8/10
Attack 2/10
Spells 4/10
Difficulty 5/10
- Tank
- Stunner
- Ranged
- ???
Suggested Items
'Comming soon' (suggest some cuz I don't know which are useful for a tank)
- Alicias puppet combines itself with her and gives a bonus of 25% armor & magic resist. Her attacks become melee and her DMG is reduced to 75%.
Q Skill - Deadly Strings (Active)
Ability description:
- Alicia catches an enemy champion with her strings and stuns him for 1,5/2/2,5/3/3,5 seconds and deals 20/30/40/50/60 DMG. Alicia stands still until the skill is over or she moves/uses other skills.
Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 + 0,5 AP
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 seconds
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 mana
W Skill - Charge (Passive+Active)
Ability description:
- Alicia gains 1 armor with every 10th kill.
- Alicias puppet charges at the enemy dealing 100/150/200/250/300 DMG.
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 + 0,3 AP
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 mana
E Skill - Restart (Passive+Active)
Ability description:
- Every hit Alicias puppet deals, she gains 5/10/15/20/25 mana.
- Alicias puppet smashes to the ground halving her cooldowns and dissapears for 6/7/8/9/10 seconds.
While the puppet isnt there, Alicias DMG is reduced to 75%. (does not stack with the passive - stays 75%)
Damage: none
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cost: 20/25/30/35/40 mana
R Skill - Complete Control (Ultimate/Active)
Ability description:
- Alicia takes control of an enemy Champion for 3/4/5 seconds and gains 10/20/30% armor & magic resist as long as she controls the enemy champion.
The enemy champion uses skills at random enemy champions (except the R skill) and cant be attacked by allied champions.
Damage: none
Cooldown: 180/165/150
Cost: 150/175/200 mana
Here's the first sketch: (without the puppet & no colour)
http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/4600/aliciac.jpg (http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/4600/aliciac.jpg)
Hope she's not OP XD. Otherwise I still can nerf her ! COMMENT PLS !
If you like her, vote for her here: http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=37318
My other champion Suggestions:
Rein, The bloody Slayer - http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/..590#post525590 (http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=525590#post525590)
Sky, the ??? - http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/..ad.php?t=48631 (http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=48631)
Miles, The rage Archer - http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/..621#post689621 (http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=689621#post689621)
One more to come !
League Item Enemy Takes More Ap Dmg Free
League Item Enemy Takes More Ap Dmg List
Oct 04, 2017 1. On map arty has no ability to 'counter battery' either on map or off map artillery units. On map arty relies solely on the ability to have the target spotted, whatever the target is, though also you can 'shoot in the blind' where you suspect the enemy is located.Concerning arty units you might not see the actual piece of artillery/mortars etc. But, possibly one of your units might just see. Though the dmg bonus from Ancestral Protector is higher in endgame you might want the Warchief, because it will inflict Bleeding on more than one enemy at a time. Blood Rage (7) - Phase Run (3) - Summon Lightning Golem (3) - Cast when Damage Taken (1) Keep the levels on those skills low to have them proc often (example levels in brackets). Apr 24, 2014 Lulu Build Guide by leipetaco. Lulu Solo-Top (AD-Carry) By leipetaco. This will be explained at the Additional Items. But this item gives you some more punch in your enemies face. The passive with True Damage is really great!! You are able to do a lot of damage to him. The only annoying thing is, he is a tank. It takes pretty long, when. Crazed Cat is a Super Rare Cat unlocked by completing the event stage The Crazed Cat appearing on the 3rd of every month. True Form increases his speed, attack. Not to mention if the game drags out and you get 1000 ap that is almost 600dmg per proc. 4 procs on a frontliner due to long drag out fights +2400 dmg 2 procs on a combo +1200 dmg 1 proc on fast combo +600dmg i seriously scored 800dmg cause my ap was 1500 longest game ever. 4 procs +3200 2procs +1600 1 proc +800 How sick is that ontop of his.