Maplestory Highest Crit Dmg Class
Posted By admin On 02.12.20%IED,%Boss,%Crit, and%Crit Dmg. /mac-os-x-install-dmg-file.html. Assume that this is with maxed out 1st-4th job skills and passives. The class can have highest%whatever, or it can have a decent balance of the four mentioned stats through their passives and actives. Oct 12, 2018 In this Maplestory 2 Class Tier List we will present you the strongest and weakest Heroes currently in the Steam version of the game. Due to the huge flow of new MS2 players, we have prepared a MS2 guide which shows the best starter class and the strongest build.
Oct 26, 2018 Heavy Gunners are arguably one of highest damage dealing Maplestory 2 Class currently. Heavy Gunner is viable for any dungeon and clearing content is pretty fun because of the explosive skills. They have medium mobility and no shields make Heavy Gunner a character prone to getting one shot (Heavy Gunners have a heal, but what’s a heal worth. Sep 18, 2018 #x3TheAran59 #메이플스토리 #MapleStory #MapleStorySEA #楓之谷 #冒险岛 #メイプルストーリー #เมเปิ้ลสตอรี่ #검은마법사 #BlackMage Game MapleStory. Oct 26, 2018 Even though Heavy Gunner has bad survivability, it is still a relatively easy class to play, making it an excellent beginner’s pick. This Maplestory 2 Heavy Gunner Build Guide will teach you how to steamroll content like never before. Check the video below for a brief intro into the Heavy Gunner character. Jan 22, 2017 Did a quick test on% critical damage vs% stat. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
Maplestory Highest Crit Dmg Class 1
Maplestory Highest Crit Dmg Class 2
- For Boss raids, go for thief/assassin.
For farming, go for Wiz or any other class. - Assassin is still the best DPS for Boss fights.
Ive watched a few korean streams with priest out dpsing everyone and doing more than double the dps of the second person. - MapleStory 2 Rep: 3,680MemberIve watched a few korean streams with priest out dpsing everyone and doing more than double the dps of the second person.
Probably a combination of the Priest being much more funded than everyone else, and the person playing being very skilled.
Gotta remember that other version of MS2 are very P2W, so class balancing is thrown out the window in the face of the plastic card. - This Priest meme is getting out of hand. I played with one in Fire Dragon who was legitimately focused more on doing DPS than healing (Not you Water), and majority of the time only healed when their own life was in danger instead of the poor melee players.
PLS STAHP. - For single target DPS, definitely assassin (thief higher on paper but melee is generally harder to maintain constant DPS)
Wizard best for farming
Zerker is pretty much the best overall (most reliable), lots of KMS2 raid groups have 4+ berserkers - Priest was changed on our version and deals way less dmg than it should. Thief has very good damage but ONLY if you are able to play it (trust me, when Im telling you its hard to play Thief i mean HARD. People will kick you from raids just because you are Thief, that hard). Currently top single target is Assassin and Berserker.
- Thief has very good damage
Stop perpetuating this lie. In our version of the game, this is completely untrue. - Its not a lie. The only class that I know was changed compared to KMS2 is Priest. Thief has the same damage as it has on KMS2 and it had very good damage, when played PROPERLY (and geared properly). Still ,even on KMS2 you are kicked from raids just because you are playing Thief because literally 90% of Thief players dont know how to play him properly.
- I think we should factor in the fact that Thief DPS is only comparable when the target in question sits still for an extended amount of time. The longer a fight goes on, the more instances the Boss changes position or forces the Thief to change position, the greater the total damage gap becomes between the Thief and the other ranged classes. Fair Fight will ensure that the fight won't be ending within a couple mins. Most of the Bosses from Hard Adventure dungeons and Raids won't sit still or allow you to continue attacking at melee range, even with a Priest next to you. That's not just in our current dungeon content either. Because of these conditions, in most situations, a Thief will be out-dps'd by every class except Knight/Priest/Soulbinder. I've played with plenty of them and only one was able to come close to my Total Damage as a Heavy Gunner (Not DPS, but Total Damage, throughout the entire fight), which would have beaten by me if I didn't embarrassingly die twice during the second stage of Fire Dragon and have to walk back-- and their weapon was enchanted +3 higher than mines.
- Heavy Gunner is also a class which heavy relies on boss not moving. Honestly I didnt took fair fight into account, so he may be worse DPS than I think.
- Heavy Gunner is also a class which heavy relies on boss not moving. Honestly I didnt took fair fight into account, so he may be worse DPS than I think.
Really? The only skill that I need a Boss to stay still for awhile is Rocket Launcher because of the ground DoT, and Rocket Launcher's back up in 10 seconds to apply it again. Electric Blast is the only skill that requires more than 1 second to execute, and we only have to hold it for 2.7s to get the full 3-charge blast off. Everything else either auto-targets while the boss is in range or heat-seeks it.
Speaking on HG. I'm not sure if it's because of Fair Fight, but the only classes that consistently out-DPS me with gears close in enchant and bonus attributes are Assassin, Wizard, and Archer (Which is a back & forth). I keep seeing people place Berserker near the top but for the ones who've actually told me their DPS at the end, it's always beneath mines.
Well, all of this will be settled come November when we get Devorak back and the open Performance Meter that comes with it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ - Berserker can reach high dmg if only people would stop with their 'spin2win'. Sure, Zerker can kill everything with just 'Spin2Win' but its not even close to being most dps possible.
- MapleStory 2 Rep: 2,450MemberEarthquake is pretty powerful for berserker w/ its lack of a cooldown and high damage.
- Its not a lie. The only class that I know was changed compared to KMS2 is Priest. Thief has the same damage as it has on KMS2 and it had very good damage, when played PROPERLY (and geared properly). Still ,even on KMS2 you are kicked from raids just because you are playing Thief because literally 90% of Thief players dont know how to play him properly.
We don't have the same animation cancel mechanics as KMS2, and Thieves weren't okay over there until level 70 with Awakening.