Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory
Posted By admin On 01.12.20- Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory 2017
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- Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory Guide
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Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory 2017
Critical Damage: Increases the damage dealt from critical hits. Critical damage cannot go above 250% against regular enemies, and cannot go above 150% against other player characters. (10 Points in Critical damage = 1% more critical damage when striking a critical hit.) Critical Rate: Increases the probability that an attack will land as a. As for sword vs blunt weapon, it's a difference of 1% crit dmg (sword) to 10% pdr (blunt weapon). I personally went with blunt, but it's a small difference and is mostly down to which animation you like more. Sword does have the advantage of allowing you to easily switch to Hero if you want. Nov 30, 2016 Ayumilove MapleStory Night Lord (나이트로드) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Job Skills + Hyper Skills - Duration: 4:20. Ayumilove8 303,678 views.
Get Rid of Cubes on Reboot
Crit Rate - Increases the success rate of a critical hit. Critical Rate increases with your character level, at a decreasing rate. Crit DMG - Increases DMG by a certain percentage when it is a critical hit. Crit ATK - Critical Attack - Increases the amount of ATK when it is a critical hit. Added to ATK. Mac osx dmg vitrual box. May 17, 2019 2) If I’m losing 55% of my current damage, but 55% of my final damage is being boosted, do I come out doing more damage, or less damage? Basically this boils down to how does% Damage scale vs.% Final Damage, which skill is better, and why does this. %pdr vs%Boss dmg Dual Blade Forum Talk about Dual Blade frspark Level 196 Windia Blade Master. Since I made a post complaining about this awful sit 3 perfectsight Hi guys does anyone dc today when trying to play maplestory? I go up to the characters' page an zigen i forgot about basilmarket 9. Boss Damage or Pdr better on a claw? General MapleStory Forum Talk about MapleStory in general. I have 90%boss dmg in total and 15%pdr from the crusader codex.
Or make it to where you get 1% damage, 1% boss damage, 1% pdr, 1% crit dmg increase upon leveling up in Reboot. Simple.
Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory Download
- Should cubes be in reboot?23 votes
- 48% (11 votes)
- No30% (7 votes)
- 22% (5 votes)
Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory Guide
Pdr Vs Crit Dmg Maplestory 2
What about playing a normal server? If you dont want to spend countless hours for minimal gains, play a normal server. Yes its is Pay to win. BOTH are, reboot is pay to win too. You pay with time instead of money. But the amount of HOURS you spend making mesos in reboot is wayyyy less efficient than getting a job and spending money on the real servers. Common misconception. Reboot is actually just filled with more bots and hackers and macroers but provides people who cant get a job with a chance to get stronger. I know most of the population is of legal working age.Honestly, or make it to where mesos are easier to gain from higher level mobs. I feel like its dumb that I have to make a whole new character I don't even wanna play just to fund my main one and spend hours farming mesos for a small chance that my equipment could be upgraded. No other RPGs operate this way, anyone else agree?
Or make it to where you get 1% damage, 1% boss damage, 1% pdr, 1% crit dmg increase upon leveling up in Reboot. Simple.- Reactions: 38,140Volunteer Forum Moderator, Private TesterThe problem isn't that we have cubes in Reboot.
It's that we have Blackgate. And MP3. And all the other non-KMS areas with weak mobs that drop disproportionately high amounts of meso.
These areas are what makes you 'have to' make a meso-farming mule and spend 90% of your time on that mule in those maps.
In KMS, Rebooters collect meso on their mains, in the highest-level area they can access, at the same time as training and collecting useful drops like 5th job cores. It's still grindy, of course, but at least you're grinding on the character you want to play and improve. - Reactions: 300Member, Private Tester
Yep you're right, I guess I worded my suggestion wrong. I would love it if the game were more like that.The problem isn't that we have cubes in Reboot.
It's that we have Blackgate. And MP3. And all the other non-KMS areas with weak mobs that drop disproportionately high amounts of meso.
These areas are what makes you 'have to' make a meso-farming mule and spend 90% of your time on that mule in those maps.
In KMS, Rebooters collect meso on their mains, in the highest-level area they can access, at the same time as training and collecting useful drops like 5th job cores.
It's still grindy, of course, but at least you're grinding on the character you want to play and improve. - Reboot isnt meant to be played through your non main'd character (Kanna) to farm meso for your main, and the non-KMS areas have not been re-balanced to drop a proper ratio of meso for the level, But I bet you 30 billion meso that if nexon ever did change the meso drop for those areas, there would be many rage posts and people quittting over the fact they wouldn't be able to farm easy meso anymore. no one playing on GMS reboot have had the real Reboot experience you were meant to have.
I'm sorry but what? 'paying with time' is no where near the p2w normal servers. You're using your time to earn what you work for.
What about playing a normal server? If you dont want to spend countless hours for minimal gains, play a normal server. Yes its is Pay to win. BOTH are, reboot is pay to win too. You pay with time instead of money. But the amount of HOURS you spend making mesos in reboot is wayyyy less efficient than getting a job and spending money on the real servers. Common misconception. Reboot is actually just filled with more bots and hackers and macroers but provides people who cant get a job with a chance to get stronger. I know most of the population is of legal working age.Honestly, or make it to where mesos are easier to gain from higher level mobs. I feel like its dumb that I have to make a whole new character I don't even wanna play just to fund my main one and spend hours farming mesos for a small chance that my equipment could be upgraded. No other RPGs operate this way, anyone else agree?
Or make it to where you get 1% damage, 1% boss damage, 1% pdr, 1% crit dmg increase upon leveling up in Reboot. Simple.