Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg
Posted By admin On 30.11.20Specifying an output to patch not only allows you to access and modify the object's properties, it also allows you to pass it to other functions. In this case, you can pass the object to the delete function, which will clear it from memory. MATLAB executes the DeleteFcn callback before destroying the properties of the object. If you do not specify the DeleteFcn property, then MATLAB executes a default deletion function. If you specify this property as a function handle or cell array, you can access the object that is being deleted using the first argument of the callback function. How to bring dmg patch into matlab. If you specify the x-, y-, and z -coordinate arguments as vectors, they render as a single polygon with points connected in sequence. If the arguments are matrices, MATLAB ® draws one polygon per column, producing a single patch with multiple faces. In that case, it is better to divide the patch object into smaller polygons. When you specify X, the patch function sets the XData property for the patch object to the same value. The patch object automatically calculates the face and vertex data and sets the Faces and Vertices properties to the appropriate values.
Hey guys, in this guide I'll be informing you on the following topics:- Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg 1
- Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg Game
- Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg Free
- Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg 2017
In my graphs you would see the comparison of 30% Boss Dmg vs 9% Atk and 40% Boss Dmg vs%12 Atk, the more negative (blue) a certain point is the more%Boss Dmg would increase your range against bosses, while the more postive (yellow) a certain point is the more%Atk would increase your range against bosses.%Stat vs%Crit Damage (Gloves). I currently have 81% IED according to my stat window. I only have 31% Boss Damage from my hyper stats, and none on any of my items. Is boss damage IED? Or should I be more focused on getting 90%+ IED for bosses like Hmag/Hellux/CRA? A MapleStory project since 2015. The MapleStory Maple Legion Calculator has been reworked. Visit for the updated version. Crit damage and boss damage both suffer from diminishing marginal returns, but crit damage is much better because there are far fewer sources of it. Assuming you're in reboot and your gear is semi-decent and you have your links, you're most likely looking at an effective boss damage of at least 300%, which would make an additional 1% boss. Boss Damage vs Ignore Defense Corsair Forum Talk about Gunslinger. (range + crit dmg + crit rate) is the same. Also, regarding the 'different boss' and 'post-justice' remark, ignore def still matters: even though the PDR amounts for various bosses were reduced, PDR is still there and it is still very noticeable if you have no ignore DEF.
- Which Bosses actually use Damage Reflect
- At what HP remaining in which the boss triggers DR
- How often and for how long each boss' DR lasts
- The amount in which these bosses actually DR for
Before we get started, I feel it's important to clarify exactly what Damage Reflect is; so here's my take on it.
Definition: Damage Reflect is a skill that certain [typically harder] bosses can use. Once they use this skill, doing damage to them by any means [unless the skill enables otherwise] will result in them taking no damage while you take a set amount of damage regardless of your hp. The amount you take varies from boss to boss ranging from 200-999,999.
Sidenote: DR is commonly suggested to be the worst boss skill of all [worst meaning hardest to deal with], followed by Seduce. To 'get around' DR, you really have to simply be aware of the animation that each boss does right before they use the skill. It's also important to study this chart to know how long each boss' DR lasts for, and at what intervals it is used.
- Note: The amount each boss DR's for is not always the exact numbers shown below; but are always very close to them. For example Pink Bean will sometimes DR for 35k or even 29k, but I generalised it as 30k.
- Full DR = Damage Reflects towards both Magical & Physical attacks.
- Phys DR = Damage Reflects only towards Physical attacks.
- Magic DR = Damage Reflects only towards Magical attacks.
Spirit of Rock - Full DR
Triggers at: 80% hp
Duration: 5 seconds
Interval/frequency: Every 45 seconds
Amount: 220 damage
Giant Balrog (from Balrog PQ) - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 1000 damage
Lilinouch - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 10 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 2000 damage
Chaos Horntail Head A [Right Head] - Physical DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Chaos Horntail Head C [Left Head] - Magical DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Dragonoir - Full DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 90 seconds
Amount: 15,000 damage
Cygnus Knights 'Black Witch' Boss [to make a UA] - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 10 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 2000 damage
Cygnus Empress - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Mihile v2 [empress summon] - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Easy Arkarium - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hard Arkarium - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hilla - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hard Hilla - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Ranmaru - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 50 seconds
Amount: 1000 damage
Madman Ranmaru - Full DR
Triggers at: 92% hp
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 72 seconds
Amount: 2240 damage
Easy Von Leon - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Hard Von Leon - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Blackheart [DiPQ Boss] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Crimson Queen [Root Abyss] - Full DR
Triggers at: No specific hp, but rather a mode
Duration: 8 seconds
Interval/frequency: 30 seconds
Amount: 100,000 damage
Chaos Crimson Queen [Root Abyss] - Full DR
Triggers at: No specific hp, but rather a mode
Duration: 8 seconds
Interval/frequency: 30 seconds
Amount: 999,999 damage
Pink Bean - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 25 seconds
Interval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Chaos Pink Bean - Full DR
Triggers at: 95% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Chaos Ariel [Final Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 90 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Huigin [Left Bird PB Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 25 seconds
Interval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Chaos Huigin [Left Bird CPB Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg 1
Duration: 25 secondsInterval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Resistance 4th Job Boss - Full DR
Triggers at: 95% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Aufheben [Neo City Boss] - Physical DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg Game
Some bosses may be missing, if you can think of one and know the stats of the boss (even if you don't) feel free to let me know and I'll happily add it if it's worth the addition!Thank you ~ From Sorrowful
P.S I would appreciate if you guys gave this thread a thumbs up if you feel it deserves one; so that Basil can better make a decision on whether or not this can be suitable as a Guide in the Guides section.
Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg Free
[I originally made a large portion of the Guide colour-coated but Basil removed all my lovely colours now it looks so bland Sorry!]Maplestory Legion Crit Dmg Ied Or Boss Dmg 2017
My damage is about 7000 with a non critical hit and 22,000 with critical damage, which is about 3x stronger.
With epic potential you would have to compare 8% critical to 6% total damage.
With 6% total damage, i would hit around 7000*1.06=7420 non critical and 22000*1.06=23,320 with critical (on average).
But with 8% critical, it would stack on top of sharp eyes and would get 55%+8%=63% critical rate.
Please correct me if I'm doing my math wrong but if i compare damage i would get
(7420*45%)+(23320*55%) = 16,165 damage per shot on average with 6% Total Damage potential
or compared to
(7000*37%)+(22000*63%)=16,450 damage per shot on average with 8% Critical rate
Now i know its not a whole lot of difference, but is Critical rate completely underestimated?